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Sunday, June 9, 2013

DIY: Shoe Wings

Do you want to learn how to pimp your shoes instantly? Than do it like Cara Delevingne: Give your shoes wings and let them fly to the highest fashion mountain. You just need some things and then you can get started:
-cardboard or firm paper, paper (for a model)
-fabric or foil
-permanent pen, pencil
-a pair of scissors
And of course: Your shoes! Best are high top sneakers like chucks.

1) Draw a model.
At this first step you have to look at the shape of your shoe. It's important that you include minimum 2 bails of your shoe.

2) Draw the contours of your edit format onto the cardboard and cut it out.You need the cardboard to create firm wings. You don't want to fall from the sky, right?

3)Draw the contours also on your fabric and cut it out.


 4) Glue the fabric on top of the cardboard and let it all dry.
5) Creativity! I know it's quite hard but now you can be creative. Take your permanent pen and just draw some prints, ornamentations, bananas and something like that on your wings. Also don't forget to make holes for the schoelaces.
I hope you liked the tutorial! Please send me some pictures of your shoe wings! Hint: You don't have to make wings. Be creative (I know today we have had enough of creativity): You can draw flashes, animals, flowers- everything
Gretchen vonDüsterwald
This post is a submission for the IFB Project 99. Check out their post.


  1. so adorable!

  2. c'est une super idée!
    merci pour ce DIY !


    Coline ♡

    1. Merci <3
      Love (amour...-yeah I can speak french)
      Gretchen vonDüsterwald

  3. Perfect, love it!


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