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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Imagination/Reality - Black List DIY (1)

1 comment:
Ich liebe individuelle Klamotten. Aber wie in jeder richtigen Beziehung kann einen die rosarote Brille auch böse täuschen - und ich spreche nicht nur von dieser Hose...Lasst uns also über DIYs der dritten Art reden !
I love individual clothes. But as in every relationship the rose-tinted glasses can play some evil tricks on you - and I am not only referring to these trousers...Let us talk about DIYs of the Third Kind !
Meine Hose und ich haben gemeinsam den weiten Weg von Eisblau nach Batikrosa zurückgelegt, nur um fremden Menschen morgens in der Tram etwas zum Lachen zu bieten. Mode macht Spaß ! Meine Lunge erinnert sich immer noch an den Namen des Bleichmittels...
My trousers and I have trod the long path from ice-blue to batik rose, for to crack strange people up in the tram in the morning. Fashion is fun ! My lung still remembers the name of the bleaching agent...
Do you also have a DIY project that did not fully keep up with your expectations ?

Love and Despair


1 comment:

  1. These pants look great!!!

    p.s thank you so much for your lovely comment. as for your question-we choose locations that do not have many people around. it makes it easier to do the shoot. some locations are busier and we try to go at times when there are not as much people!!!;) and sometimes- you just have to ignore them...:)hope this answers your question!:)
    have a wonderful day!


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