Tiffany Hsu ist eine große Stilikone und zu ihrem Coolnessfaktor ist nur zu sagen- up into the skyyy. Sie mixt unerwartete Silhouetten und unterschiedliche Materialien zu einem neuen Stil, der gleichzeitig edgy aber auch elegant ist. Nur leider überschreiten ihre Outfits das monatliche Gehalt eines Schülers um ein Weites (Zur Hölle, ja!). Aber wozu gibt es wohl mich? Ich habe zwei Outfits, inspiriert von Hsus am häufigsten fotografiertem Look, unter 300 $ zusammengestellt.
Tiffany Hsu is a huge style ikon and I just can say to her factor of coolness- up into the skyyy. She combines unexpected silhouettes and different materials to a new style, which is edgy and elegant at the same time. Unfortunately her outfits exceed the monthly budget of an ordinary pupil (hell, they do!). But what's the use of me? I composed two outfits, inspired by her most photographed look, under 300$. That's what I do.

Tiffany Hsu is a huge style ikon and I just can say to her factor of coolness- up into the skyyy. She combines unexpected silhouettes and different materials to a new style, which is edgy and elegant at the same time. Unfortunately her outfits exceed the monthly budget of an ordinary pupil (hell, they do!). But what's the use of me? I composed two outfits, inspired by her most photographed look, under 300$. That's what I do.
I like the dark red peplum skirt!
Oh yeah I am also totally obsessed with it.
Gretchen von Düsterwald
Love the skirt.
love the shoes with the reflected heel!
Oh yeah they are great, aren't they?
Gretchen vonDüsterwald